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About the Textbook

Recognizing the need for a comprehensive resource addressing management of spinal cord injury (SCI) as a team-based approach, the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) has compiled this ISCoS Textbook on Comprehensive Management of Spinal Cord Injuries. The idea for this textbook was conceptualized while compiling, a web-based resource on comprehensive management of SCI. It became increasingly obvious that the available textbooks are not only incomplete they do not cater to the team as a whole but to different health professionals involved in management of SCI individually. Moreover, current textbooks have been written by authors from one region of the world and may not represent the global scenario, especially that of emerging countries. Besides, the
To overcome these issues, an Editorial Board comprising 25 members was constituted with experts from across the globe representing different health professionals involved in SCI management as well as the consumer group. Care was taken to select 184 contributing authors as well as coauthors from 25 different countries with a view to ensure that the book represents a global scenario. A separate chapter on Challenges of Management in Less and Least Developed Countries has been added to highlight the difficulties of the less resourced and the solutions to overcome them. The involvement of consumers in the Editorial Board ensured that the interests of consumers were taken into consideration, in addition to having a separate chapter on the consumer perspective.
The textbook is a comprehensive guide containing information for all disciplines involved in SCI management (doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, orthotists, assistive technologists, vocational counselors, psychologists, social workers, and peer counselors) with additional information for doctors.
The textbook has various new topics which are not covered in the currently available textbooks including Assistive Technology, Predischarge Planning, Nutritional Management, Outcome Measures, Challenges of Management in Less and Least Developed Countries, Neglected Spinal Cord Injuries, Translational Research, Issues Specific to Women, Empowerment, Legislation and Rights of Persons with Disability, Vocational Rehabilitation, SCI in Complex Emergency Situations, Geriatric Spinal Cord Injuries, Active Rehabilitation, Concomitant Diagnosis: Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury, Associated Injuries, and Polytrauma. The sections are highly structured with all-inclusive information on the topic. The section on Management of Vertebral Fractures has been developed in
There are 82 chapters in the textbook grouped into 10 different sections. Due care has been taken to ensure the appropriateness of the content. Members of the society along with a few others who have contributed to the text book are also those whose research has led to many of the advances in care and management of spinal injury. The content has gone through extensive review processes through the Editors. Section Editors were also identified based on their expertise, to refine the content. The editors not only gave their comments online but also participated in face-to-face meetings during the ISCoS Annual Scientific Meetings at Istanbul (October, 2013) and Maastricht (August-September, 2014) over 4 working days. A simple and comprehensible presentation has been ensured to help all disciplines to easily assimilate the knowledge. Appropriate use of illustrations and figures has further made the content user friendly.
All the chapters start with Learning Objectives, which are the outcome statements that describe the knowledge that readers should acquire after going through the chapter. Points to Remember have been introduced to summarize the important facts and concepts contained in the section. Likewise the Key Points at the end of the chapter summarize the whole chapter. These features should help the reader with quick revision and help those not interested in details to get the gist of the chapter at a glance.
I was repeatedly asked about the need for a textbook especially since had already been launched by ISCoS and since books and other printed educational materials are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. While compiling it was obvious that e-learning cannot replace traditional teaching but can only complement it. It is probably because we process information in the form of printed word better and our habit as well as need to have a ready source of up to date information on our desks as well as library that textbooks continue to be as
popular as ever. As Editor-in-Chief of both the resources ( and the textbook), I have taken care to ensure that both complement each other. The availability of the online version of the textbook will further help the readers since the two will morph with each other such that indexing, searching, and grasping the entire domain of the topic becomes a lot easier.
The textbook represents the incessant desire of ISCoS to bridge the gap in professional development opportunities for health professionals involved in SCI management. It will hopefully be able to meet the requirements of the reader.

Harvinder Singh Chhabra
President Elect & Chair of Prevention Committee: ISCoS